Packing 包裝:
300g (280ml)/ctg
Color 顏色:
Aluminum Grey、Bronze、Grey、Black、White 、Clear (Other color available for quantity order)
銀灰、古銅、灰、黑、白、透明 (其它顏色訂做)
Product's Specification 產品規格:
British Standard: BS5889 Part B, BS4254; America Standard: ASTM 920-86
英式: BS5889 Part B, BS4254; 美式: ASTM 920-8
Description 產品簡介:
MASTER PROOFER GP1 is a one part high modulus Acetoxy-cure Silicone glazing Sealant, it offers weatherability, elasticity and long-reliability for glazing and sealant, Glass/glass joint, New and remedial glazing, Sealing of aquarium, Sealing of the fine joints, Pointing of Window frames and light cladding, Ceramic tiling, sanitary fittings and built-in kitchens, Form-in-place gasket. GP1 is an architectural grade product. Some standard grade acutely-cure sealant always have quality problem in packing plenty of brittle which cause difficulty is application, after curing, problem will subsequently appears, like colour change, shrinkage and finally leak to water seepage. Therefore, quality sealing work of Aluminium Window requires Architectural grade silicone sealant.
萬寶牌GP1是高規格酸性硅硐類品種, 是密封鋁窗玻璃的最佳材料。
一般級別的 “玻璃膠”在施工時,除了氣泡較多, 施工時中途斷膠,令工作不流暢外,損耗工時,而達不到完美效果。大約一個月後,問題才慢慢出來。 例如:膠體脫落,膠邊爆開,變色,最後更引至窗邊滲水,維修費用更加昴貴。 在一些大型房屋項目,亦時常遇到以上問題,住客和業主怨聲載道,因此已在各大新建屋苑(特別是高樓建設,面對大風壓)在鋁窗和室內潔具設施,皆採用高規格酸性硅硐膠類。
Areas of Application 應用範圍:
Aluminum Window, Sanitary Facilities, Ceramic Tiles, Bath room etc
Suitable substrate for adhesion 可黏合物料:
Anodized metal, Ceramic, Glass and Most types of Building Material except Cement based substrate.
300g (280ml)/ctg
Color 顏色:
Aluminum Grey、Bronze、Grey、Black、White 、Clear (Other color available for quantity order)
銀灰、古銅、灰、黑、白、透明 (其它顏色訂做)
Product's Specification 產品規格:
British Standard: BS5889 Part B, BS4254; America Standard: ASTM 920-86
英式: BS5889 Part B, BS4254; 美式: ASTM 920-8
Description 產品簡介:
MASTER PROOFER GP1 is a one part high modulus Acetoxy-cure Silicone glazing Sealant, it offers weatherability, elasticity and long-reliability for glazing and sealant, Glass/glass joint, New and remedial glazing, Sealing of aquarium, Sealing of the fine joints, Pointing of Window frames and light cladding, Ceramic tiling, sanitary fittings and built-in kitchens, Form-in-place gasket. GP1 is an architectural grade product. Some standard grade acutely-cure sealant always have quality problem in packing plenty of brittle which cause difficulty is application, after curing, problem will subsequently appears, like colour change, shrinkage and finally leak to water seepage. Therefore, quality sealing work of Aluminium Window requires Architectural grade silicone sealant.
萬寶牌GP1是高規格酸性硅硐類品種, 是密封鋁窗玻璃的最佳材料。
一般級別的 “玻璃膠”在施工時,除了氣泡較多, 施工時中途斷膠,令工作不流暢外,損耗工時,而達不到完美效果。大約一個月後,問題才慢慢出來。 例如:膠體脫落,膠邊爆開,變色,最後更引至窗邊滲水,維修費用更加昴貴。 在一些大型房屋項目,亦時常遇到以上問題,住客和業主怨聲載道,因此已在各大新建屋苑(特別是高樓建設,面對大風壓)在鋁窗和室內潔具設施,皆採用高規格酸性硅硐膠類。
Areas of Application 應用範圍:
Aluminum Window, Sanitary Facilities, Ceramic Tiles, Bath room etc
Suitable substrate for adhesion 可黏合物料:
Anodized metal, Ceramic, Glass and Most types of Building Material except Cement based substrate.
More Information 附加資料